Join Marilyn Monroe for

a Personalized House Party!

Have some fun and get readings from Marilyn Beyond The Veil

(In-Person or Online Readings)

Each Host/Hostess Party Box will be mailed if party is online. Each box contains special craft projects that enhance the personal learning experience

Cost: $35 per guest – Online     

6 guest Minimum + 1 Host

In professional space – $50 per guest   

10 guests Minimum  3 hr Event

(Host is Free)

“I attended Marilyn’s party premier yesterday, and I was very pleased. It was enlightening, spiritual and fun! Marilyn helped me to see my own inner beauty, brilliant! Artistic crafts, picture collages and intuitive card readings blended well, helping me spiritually to connect deeper. I especially loved the personal reading with Marilyn. It truly felt guided by spirit. Marilyn helped me understand my own genetics and direction clearer, too. She helped me understand my purpose here on Earth better. Marilyn is simply brilliant, full of love and kindness. She is truly a radiant being! I loved the whole experience. I never realized how much fun spiritual growth could be.”

I. MoralesSedona, AZ

“I just attended Marilyn’s “Who Am I?” Party and I haven’t been this entertained in a long time! Marilyn Monroe is the perfect character to show us how we attract attention! She helped me unlock the star within by showing me how I can raise my energetic frequency. The event was a blast as we created a special crown to embody our own divine character, and a Vision Quest collage that we got to take home. Marilyn even pulled us aside for a private reading, educating us on our higher purpose and how we can be our authentic selves. Entertainment, education and enlightenment! This party has it all!”

T. BrassSedona, AZ

“Thank you so much, Marilyn! Your invitation came from beyond and you are heavenly sent to wake us up and show the better way. Your talk of the other side, along with the reading and activities, made for not just an enjoyable afternoon, but I got to take away helps, tools and a renewed confidence, brightening my soul!”

E. WeiselPrescott, AZ


Host/Hostess invites a minimum of 6 guests to explore WHO THEY ARE, both Human and Divine. Marilyn provides personalized genetic charts and guidance that reveals your authentic self and how you can become the Master of your Destiny! Includes up to 3 Art Projects for Self-Expression and Personal Readings by Marilyn for all guests.  Host plays free.


Host/Hostess invites a minimum of 6 guests to explore THEIR ARCHETYPES. Marilyn  provides personalized genetic charts and guidance that reveal your basic Archetype and how you best operate in the world. Are you an ARTIST? COWBOY? ANGEL? VICTIM? CAREGIVER? Includes up to 3 Art Projects and Personal Readings by Marilyn for all guests. Host plays free.


Host/Hostess invites a minimum of 6 guests to explore THEIR ANIMAL TOTEMS, which are defined by their genetic charts prepared by Marilyn. Are you a DOG? LEOPARD? TIGER? SNAKE? Learn about who you are and how your ANIMAL TOTEM assists you. Includes up to 3 Art Projects and Personal Readings by Marilyn for all guests.  Host plays free.


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